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Toshihiro Miyata

Toshihiro Miyata

Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan

Title: Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan


Biography: Toshihiro Miyata


We recently reported a dramatic improvement of the obtainable photovoltaic properties in p-n heterojunction solar cells fabricated by depositing appropriate n-type oxide semiconductor thin fi lms using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method on p-type Cu2O sheets. However, PLD method have technical disadvantages for practical fabrication technology of solar cells, such as, low deposition rate and diffi cult to large area deposition. On the other hand, magnetron sputtering (MSD) method was easy to prepare the large area deposition and obtaining the high deposition rate. But, photovoltaic properties of Cu2O-based heterojunction solar cells fabricated by magnetron sputtering (MSD) method was poor than that of PLD. In this paper, we describe the improvement of the photovoltaic properties for Cu2O-based heterojunction solar cells using the newly development multicomponent n-type oxide semiconductor thin films prepared by the sputtering apparatus having the multi-chamber system. Thermally oxidized p-Cu2O sheets (with a hole concentration (p) of 1013 cm-3, Hall mobility in the range of 100-110 cm2/Vs) were used as an active layer. Th e multichamber MSD apparatus have loading and deposition chambers, and used a d.c. and an r.f. (13.56 MHz) power supply that was applied either separately or together. For example, a high effi ciency of 3.74% was obtained by AZO/n-type Zn0.8- Ge0.2-O thin fi lm/p-Cu2O heterojunction solar cell fabricated by depositing using low-damage MSD on non-intentionallyheated Cu2O sheets. The is the highest value of the efficiency of Cu2O heterojunction solar cells using sputtered n-type oxide semiconductor thin films.