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Anna Orlova

Anna Orlova

Head of the Laboratory
ITMO University


Anna Orlova is Professor of the Department of Optical Physics and Modern Natural Science at the ITMO University, Head of international research lab “Magnetically controlled nanosystems for theranostics of oncological and cardiovascular diseases”. Prof. Orlova successfully combines lecture activity with development and research of hybrid nanosystems for theranostics and sensing based on colloidal quantum semiconductor nanocrystals, magnetic nanoparticles, graphene, titanium dioxide nanocrystals, and organic molecules. She graduated with honors from the Engineering Physics Faculty of LITMO Institute (St. Petersburg) in 1997, and then received the scientific degrees of Candidate of Technical Sciences in 2003 and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 2016 from the same institution (now ITMO University). Since 1997 to 2006 she was junior researcher at Vavilov Optical Institute, then returned to her Alma Mater and developed there from research associate to professor (2017).

Research Interest

The research interests of Prof. Orlova’s group are spectroscopy and photophysics of hybrid nanosystems for theranostics and sensing based on semiconductor quantum nanocrystals, magnetic nanoparticles, graphene, titanium dioxide nanocrystals and organic molecules